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SQL Views
SQL Stored Procedures

FJT develops complex stored procedures that can combine detail data from a variety of modules.


Although primarily used in reporting, stored procedures can be linked to custom buttons to perform tasks within Viewpoint, such as retrieving data from another part of the program and updating it to your current form, or saving data from your current form to another table.


For example, you can save your forecast numbers on a monthly basis via a custom stored procedure that writes the data out to a table when you click the button, preserving the history as you make future updates.

FJT can develop custom views to meet your needs. Although most are used as a basis for a report, advanced users may have need to access these views from Excel or other applications in order to slice and dice the data further for deeper analysis.


With extensive experience, FJT can accurately combine multiple modules' data into one view, removing the guesswork of how the tables link.


If you know Crystal but have limited or no experience with developing views, FJT can create the view for your use in any report you want to develop.

Custom Triggers  

Triggers are snippets of code that run when a record in a table is added, updated or deleted.


You can add custom triggers to Viewpoint tables to automate tasks you may otherwise have to perform manually.


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